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REPORTED SPEECH 1– mowa zależna 1

Mowy zależnej używamy, by donieść komuś o czymś, co ktoś wcześniej powiedział. W takim przypadku używamy czasownika w formie przeszłej, więc czasownik użyty przez daną osobę powinien zostać „cofnięty” o jeden czas wstecz.

Np. John says: „I have a headache”.

John said he had a headache.

Present simple cofnął się do past simple.

Używając mowy zależnej musimy pamiętać, że należy trzymać się czasu, jaki został wcześniej użyty, tzn. jeśli jest to present continuous, musimy użyć past continuous, a nie np. past simple.

Np. John says: „I am watching tv”.

John said he was watching tv.

WRONG John said he watched tv WRONG


1. Present simple -> past simple

Jill: “Sarah is ill.”

Jill told me (that) Sarah was ill.

2. Present continuous -> past continuous

Jill: “Sarah is having dinner now.”

Jill told me (that) Sarah was having dinner then.

3. Present perfect -> past perfect

Jill: “Sarah has broken a leg.”

Jill told me (that) Sarah had broken a leg.

4. Present perfect continuous -> past perfect continuous

Jill: “Sarah has been looking for a job since May.”

Jill told me (that) Sarah had been looking for a job since May.

5. Past simple -> past perfect (okazjonalnie past simple)

Jill: “Sarah called yesterday.”

Jill told me (that) Sarah had called the day before.

6. Past continuous -> past perfect continuous

Jill: “Sarah was eating dinner when Tim called.”

Jill told me (that) Sarah had been eating dinner when Tim called.

7. Past perfect -> past perfect

Jill: “Sarah had had a baby before she married Tom.”

Jill told me (that) Sarah had had a baby before she married Tom.

8. Past perfect continuous -> past perfect continuous

Jill: “Sarah had been looking for a job before she married Tom.”

Jill told me (that) Sarah had been looking for a job before she married Tom.

9. Future simple -> WOULD + present simple

Jill: “Sarah will be here tomorrow”.

Jill told me (that) Sarah would be here the next day.

10. Future continuous -> Past continuous

Jill: “Sarah will be sleeping this time tomorrow”.

Jill told me (that) Sarah would be sleeping that time the next day.

11. Future perfect ->WOULD + present perfect

Jill: “Sarah will have finished her work by 7”.

Jill told me (that) Sarah would have finished her work by 7.

12. Future perfect continuous ->WOULD + present perfect continuous

Jill: “Next week Sarah will have been looking for a job for 5 months”.

Jill told me (that) the next weak Sarah would have been looking for a job for 5 months.

Musimy też pamiętać, że jeśli ktoś powiedział, że coś się wydarzy jutro, np.: „Jutro będzie ciepło”, to jeśli donosimy o tym po kilku dniach, z jutra robi się „następny dzień”. Tak samo wygląda to w REPORTED SPEECH:

THIS ->THAT (ten->tamten)
TODAY ->THAT DAY (dzisiaj ->tamtego dnia)
TOMORROW ->THE NEXT DAY, THE FOLLOWING DAY (jutro-> następnego dnia)
YESTERDAY ->THE DAY BEFORE (wczoraj ->poprzedniego dnia)
NOW ->THEN (teraz->wtedy)


Will -> would
Do / does -> did
Have / has -> had
Am / is -> was
Are -> were

Jill: “Sarah can play the piano”.

Jill told me (that) Sarah could play the piano.

THAT, czyli nasze „że” można w angielskim opuścić, nie jest konieczne – dlatego podajemy je w nawiasie.

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