By: Agnieszka J.
Is the present culture becoming less and less reading-based?
The present culture is becoming less and less reading-based and more and more watching-based. It is a very common issue nowadays, which bothers especially parents and teachers, as it influences mostly children.
To begin with, children are not familiar with books from the very beginning. About fifty years ago there were no television sets and no computers, so parents were forced to read their children bed-time stories. They could afford it, because they had more time than people today, as they did not work that much and were not so busy. Nowadays people work in the evenings or are so tired that they show their children cartoons on tv and just send them to bed. That is why children learn to read when they go to school.
Secondly, even going to school children do not read too much. As directors still make new films based on books that are on their reading lists, they rarely even bother to borrow the book from the library. It is far more convenient to watch the film. Furthermore, the latest method replacing reading books is listening to them, as they are available on CD’s or audio cassettes, read by famous actors. That is why reading for school is no longer necessary.
Since children do not have to read books for school, reading for fun remains out of question. There are so many things to do at home, including playing computer games, watching tv, meeting friends or simply going out. Our social lives seem to be richer that they were before, and while then we used to spend the evenings with a book, today we hardly stay homes in the evenings.
In addition, because children are not used to read, they are less likely to do it when they become teenagers or adults. As a consequence, they will probably never read bed-time stories to their children and so this issue will always be common.
It seems important to me to mention, that the development of technology is also responsible for that. Since we could read something on our way to work, for example on the train, it is more convenient to listen to iPod or watch some movie on a mobile phone or even a laptop. Reading is no longer interesting to us.
On the whole, although there are still organized some actions encouraging people to read, I still think that our culture is becoming more and more watching-based and since the technology is developing day by day, I do not think it would change.