@ - at
AD - years after the birth of Christ (Anno Domini)
AIDS - auto-immune deficiency syndrome
ASAP – as soon as possible
ATM – automated teller machine
Ave - Avenue
BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation
BC - years before the birth of Christ
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency (US)
c/o - in care of
e.g. - for example
etc. – et cetera (and so on)
ETA – estimated time of arrival
EU - European Union
FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation (US)
GDP - gross domestic product
GNP - gross national product
GP - general practitioner (doctor - UK)
i.e. - id est (that is to say)
IT - information technology
Ltd. - limited company
MP - Member of Parliament (UK)
MS - multiple sclerosis
NASA - North American Space Agency
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NB - nota bene (please note)
no. - number
nr - near
NZ - New Zealand
ono. - or nearest offer (for advertisement)
PM - Prime Minister (UK)
PC – Personal Computer
PC - Police Constable (UK)
pc - politically correct
pls – please
PR – public relations
PTO – please turn over
Rd – Road
RSVP - please reply to this invitation (respondez s’il vous plait)
St - Street
TB – tuberculosis
UFO – unidentified flying object
UK - United Kingdom
USA - United States of America
UN - United Nations
VAT – value added tax
VIP - very important person